Cycad Photosynthesis Project at Montgomery

Cycad Photosynthesis Project at Montgomery

Christopher Krieg has been studying photosynthesis patterns in cycads at MBC during June and July. From morning to early afternoon he has been using a sophisticated instrument, the LiCor 6400 Photosynthesis System, to measure photosynthesis rates of cycad leaflets and...
Montgomery Palm Expedition in Southern Brazil

Montgomery Palm Expedition in Southern Brazil

New discoveries, new confirmations and new collections – Larry Noblick, MBC Palm Biologist, has just returned from southern Brazil, where he has spent the last 7 weeks studying a group of fascinating “stemless” palms. New findings have confirmed that the genus Syagrus...

Angela Cano, Palm Expert from Geneva

Angela Cano has returned to Montgomery to continue her studies of palm diversity and evolution. She was last here in 2010 while completing her Masters Degree from the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, in Switzerland. Previously at Montgomery,...

Ancient Plants Meet Modern Microscopes

An exciting study underway at Montgomery! James Clugston, Kelly Botanical Research Fellow, and recent MSc Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants Graduate from the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, is here to examine cycad leaf surfaces using advanced techniques. James,...