by Patrick Griffith | Sep 4, 2019 | Conservation, Grants, News, Publications, Research
Toward the Metacollection: Coordinating conservation collections to safeguard plant diversity BGCI-US and Montgomery Botanical Center present findings of a 3-year, multi-institutional project to find the most effective ways to capture, steward and sustain plant...
by admin | Jul 31, 2019 | News, Publications, Research
New Palm Species! The Montgomery Team describe Coccothrinax viridescens, featured on the cover of the latest Phytotaxa. The new palm is only known from gardens — no wild plants have been found yet! The paper is open access and free to read on the Phytotaxa...
by admin | May 30, 2019 | News, Publications, Research
New Cycad Species NEW CYCAD SPECIES FROM BRAZIL: Zamia brasiliensis is only found in Mato Grosso and Rondônia. Rosane Segalla and Michael Calonje’s new discovery is featured on the cover of Phytotaxa vol. 404, and is freely available...
by admin | Apr 2, 2019 | Conservation, News, Publications, Research
Zamia Phylogeny! A paper outlining the evolutionary history of the neotropical cycad genus Zamia has recently been published in the International Journal of Plant Sciences. The paper was led by MBC’s cycad biologist Michael Calonje as part of his Ph.D....
by Theresa Bramblett | Apr 1, 2018 | News, Publications
Novel Fiber in the Leaves of Dioon! A new paper has been published in the International Journal of Plant Sciences by Tracy Magellan, Patrick Griffith, Barry Tomlinson, Brett Huggett, and Alison Ricciardi on types of fibers in the cycad Dioon. This paper is a...
by Theresa Bramblett | Jan 1, 2018 | News, Publications
A team of researchers from Montgomery Botanical Center, The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Huntington Library, Art Collection, and Botanical Gardens, and Jardin Botanico de Vallarta (Vallarta Botanic Garden) led by Patrick Griffith, Executive Director at MBC,...