April 27 is National Arbor Day, which celebrates trees and tree planting. So, today, Miami’s National Public Radio station, WLRN 91.3 FM, interviewed the MBC team about one of MBC’s Champion Trees, the Barbados Silver Palm (Coccothrinax barbadensis). You can hear the broadcast here.
This individual tree was planted for Colonel Montgomery, and has thrived at MBC for 80 years – making it the largest specimen in the United States, and recognized as the Florida State Champion.
Many of Montgomery’s Champion Trees were initially located using aerial images and GIS. For Arbor Day, the experts at ESRI recently built an application that allows everyone to explore and view the Champion Trees at MBC. You can explore the Champions in the map below, or go and see the map here.
Please take a look at MBC’s Champion Trees Page for more information.