Fall/Winter 2019 Newsletter
Fall/Winter 2019 – Volume 27, Number 2
Read the latest issue of our newsletter here.
This issue highlights a botanical project in West Africa, funded by the Plant Exploration Fund (pages 4-5). The project involved botanists from Senegal, Switzerland, and the USA, and documented the palm diversity of Casamance, a remote region of Southern Senegal. Biogeography, conservation and ethnobotany were the focus of this scientific mission.
A large number of early-career botanists, horticulturists, and students that have moved Montgomery forward recently (13 new hires!). Generous support from donors, foundations and universities helps Montgomery reach new levels of student engagement every year (see page 7).
Montgomery Botanical Center publishes two newsletters a year to keep our supporters and collaborators up to date and informed. If you would like to support Montgomery online please visit our Support Us page. To read more about how Montgomery Botanical Center meets our mission of “Advancing Research, Conservation, and Education through Scientific Plant Collections” please see our newsletters online.