Montgomery Fellow, Dr. Mónica Moraes R., of the Herbario Nacional de Bolivia at the Institute of Ecology, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, collected morphological data on Montgomery Botanical’s Butiinae palm collections to compare wild with cultivated specimens.
Dr. Moraes also monitored the germination and seedling development of Bolivia’s Parajubaea and Bactris species as part of an experiment in progress at MBC’s greenhouses. Vickie Murphy, MBC’s nursery curator, is working with Dr. Moraes on this project.
While here, Dr. Moraes presented a public lecture in Montgomery Botanical Center’s Nixon Smiley Meeting Room: Botanical Efforts in Conserving Palms in Bolivian Gardens.
The Montgomery Botanical Fellows Program encourages scientific and educational study of MBC’s palm and cycad collections, linking distinguished scientists and their work with other scientists, educators, our next generation of scientists — the students, and the community. Generous funding from the Kelly Foundation supports The Montgomery Botanical Fellows Program.