Chad Husby has joined Montgomery Botanical Center as collections manager and botanist. Leading the Collections Development Department at MBC, Chad brings a background in plant exploration, collections management and botanical research to the position. Chad comes highly recommended by the botanical community. “Chad possesses every skill we seek, and many more skills—we are lucky to find this considerable talent,” states Patrick Griffith, MBC executive director.
Chad is ideally suited for MBC’s needs, holding a B.S. in biology and mathematics, an M.S. in horticulture, and a second master’s in applied statistics. Chad is currently completing his Ph.D. dissertation at Florida International University, studying the Giant Equisetum. Chad has a strong record of successful grantsmanship, local and international collaboration, research experience in horticulture, statistics, ethnobotany, morphology, and plant physiology, and a serious commitment to scientific plant collections. MBC looks forward to continued botanical accomplishments through Chad’s work.