City Year, a branch of AmeriCorp, visted MBC to help us with a large-scale weeding project. The event was organized as part of City Year Miami’s 96 Hours of Power, a program designed to have members volunteer around the clock for a 4 day period.
City Year members serve as full-time tutors, mentors and role models in high-poverty schools. There are 1,550 members serving nationally who volunteer 2.5 million hours annually.
MBC was very happy to work with City Year. It is great to see youth embrace volunteering. Hand weeding is a safe and effective way to remove large weeds that have established themselves in the collection. Weeds compete with our collection for water and nutrients. Removing weeds can cut down fertilizer and water usage and beautify the collection.
Thank you City Year for helping MBC meet our mission of exemplifying excellent botanical garden design and helping us maintain the beauty of our extraordinary collections.