Hurricane Wilma Strikes South Florida

Once again, we sustained major damage to our plants collections from yet another hurricane. As of November 1st, power was restored to part of the property and damage assessments and recovery efforts were underway. Additional information and photos will be posted once...

Guyana 2005 Expedition, Adelaide Botanic Gardens

MBC hosted a group of nine travelers from Adelaide Botanic Gardens in South Australia, Including Steven Forbes (Director). This group was passing through Miami on its way to Guyana, to revisit the routes of Richard Schomburgk’s expeditions there from 1841 to 1844. The...

Hurricane Katrina Recovery at MBC

Hurricane Katrina arrived at MBC late in the evening of Thursday, August 25th. A significant number of MBC’s Palm Collections were affected, as well as a smaller number of our Cycad Collections. Additionally, many of our hardwood trees were felled. Damage assessments...

MBC Receives National Award for Montgomery News

Montgomery Botanical Center was honored with the Dorothy E. Hansell Award at the 2005 American Association of Botanic Gardens and Arboreta Meeting in Chicago for its newsletter, The Montgomery News. The Hansell award recognizes the accomplishments of gardens with...